6-8 seconds – that’s how long a recruiters spends looking at your CV before they decide whether you are suitable for their vacancy or not.

 You are unique

  • Your skills, knowledge, experience, ethos, values and personality are unique
  • Your CV should make this patently obvious to anyone lucky enough to read it.

Let us start by being abundantly clear, the sole function of a CV is to get you an interview.  Everything about the document you submit should be focused on this end.

How I can help

The CV Professor AKA Peter Henry has been on both sides of the recruitment fence on many occasions and has acquired the knowledge of how to help you write one that will grab the recruiter’s attention.

Want to know more, then contact me for a free and confidential initial chat.

The CV Professor AKA Peter Henry BSc FCIM


Tel: 01494 721257

Mobile: 07747024577