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We are a charity based in Chesham, Buckinghamshire empowering young people to help themselves by developing the skills and knowledge needed to find gainful employment or start their own business. We do this by refurbishing donated tools to a high standard and shipping them to training centres and self-help organisations in some of the world’s most disadvantaged communities. In 2015 we received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

Donations can only be received at our workshop in Chesham on Mondays and Wednesdays between 10am and 4pm with an appointment. We rely on your unwanted tools and equipment donations and accept a wide range. General hand tools are fantastic whether carpentry, horticulture, electrical or engineering but bigger machines are also welcome. Knitting and sewing machines and general haberdashery items are in high demand. See our website for a full comprehensive list of accepted item and to book an appointment.

The Workaid Shop is our ‘charity shop with a difference’ specialising in:
Tools and hardware • Gardening equipment • Electrical Items • Craft Materials • Patterns • Wools and Yarns • Fabrics • General Haberdashery • Sewing and Knitting machines

Stock changes every week, depending on what’s surplus to requirement for our projects or more valuable to sell. If you are looking for something specific, please give us a call and we’ll let you know what we have.

Our shop opening hours are Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm.

To stay in touch sign up to our mailing list to receive our quarterly newsletter, you can also opt to get updates on craft news and or sales and promotions in The Workaid Shop.
Follow us on Workaid Facebook, The Workaid Shop Facebook and Workaid Twitter.
